Clubhouse Employment
Helping members with employment is a key part of the Clubhouse Model. Work helps people with mental illness feel needed and productive. It provides a reason to get up in the morning and helps members "get out of their head". When people work they aren't clients or patients, they are capable and valuable employees. The Clubhouse has three levels of employment: Transitional Employment, Supported Employment, and Independent Employment. Transitional Employment is a great first step back into work for those who haven't been employed for awhile. Supported Employment represents a step towards greater employment independence with Clubhouse providing support only when needed. Independent Employment is when a member gains employment outside of Clubhouse support. Although you will not receive direct employment support, Clubhouse can still assist you with job searching, resume building, and gaining other skills for employment.
Transitional Employment
Cora Dale House works with employers to develop an employment contract.
Placement managers (PMs) train on the job.
PMs train a Clubhouse member on the job until they meet or exceed all job expectations.
PMs make periodic job site visits to ensure employers are satisfied with member employees.
PMs provide free coverage for any employee absence.
Job placements are temporary (6-9 months) after which PMs train a new candidate.
Cora Dale House assists Human Resources of the company where the placement is at to ensure all application and personnel paperwork is completed.
Supported Employment
Cora Dale House refers available member to a suitable job and maintains a relationship with the employer, but does not provide placement management or absence coverage.
Cora Dale House provides support as requested by the employer or employee.
Cora Dale House assists Human Resources to ensure all application and personnel paperwork is completed.
Clubhouse will provide advocacy for you as needed.
If you are in need of one of these types of employment services, we would encourage you to stop in for a tour of the Clubhouse to find out more about membership.
Sloan has this to say about our Transitional Employment program:
“In the wake of a sudden, extreme mental health crisis, I had no idea how I would get back on my feet, or if I even could. Thanks to the Cora Dale House Transitional Employment Program, I was able to get back to work at a pace that has allowed me to begin regaining independence while continuing to grow and recover. I have a job I enjoy at the Goshen Public Library and have never had more confidence that I can live a meaningful and satisfying life while managing a mental illness.”